..i walk with the Lord...
.......he is my love..........
.....my strength.......
......my life.......
....my best friend...


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 23

WOOHOOO Finally all caught up:)
Today, January 23rd....1 month after my 20th birthday, really was quite the day:)
Started the morning with waking up SUPER early and driving to Denver to run the Polar Bear 5K with my sister.. which was pretty great! i got 27/247...but i didn't run as good of a time as i would have liked to.. however, i ran it and then we went and got NOODLES..YUM! and then came back and did some grocery shopping and relaxing....

1. POLAR BEAR 5K!! YAY! 26:40...got some serious speed work to do:)

2. I read about having God be your leader...You have to be confident that God can handle you and your problems and that he will lead you on the right path. God is the greatest leader we could ever ask for. He leads us down the straight and narrow and without him we would stray from the path and fall apart.. God knows each and every one of us individually. and he knows exactly what we need to make it through every day.. if we need love, encouragement, strength, or forgiveness.. maybe we need an encouraging song, or coffee with a friend, i believe that God knows our needs and places people and events in our lives to make every day just a little easier...

3. Jason was actually my photographer.. BUT it documented my day.. soo here are some pictures:)

Let Jesus be your leader and you will never lose the game of life...

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