..i walk with the Lord...
.......he is my love..........
.....my strength.......
......my life.......
....my best friend...


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 9

It was a pretty happy Sunday for me anyway..
Started out with chores and church..:)
Then, came home and messed around with the dogs.. made some WOOPIE pies!
oh what a day:) and NOW.. its SNOWING.. a ton actually i'd say we have over 6 inches.. crazy!

1. 8 MILES!! OH MY GOSH!! can you even believe that?? i thought i was going to die, but it really wasn't nearly as bad as i thought it would be! took 1:24 minutes.. BAM!
[i know, not easy to read, but it says 8 miles!!]

2. I haven't read yet, but today i believe i will be reading..
Genesis 18-19
Pslams 10
Matthew 11
LOVE READING MY BIBLE EVERY DAY, but i do hope my devotion book gets here soon:)

3. I took a few pictures today:) too hard to cram my whole day into 1 picture.lol

I'll explain these pics a little:)
the woopie pie is kind of obvious.. it was pretty good i must admit.lol
the book and the email.. well it was another book i ordered and just got.. we'll see how it is:) and the email is from my future employer..
I GOT A JOB!!! driving a girl home from school MWF.. not a big time deal, but hey, its a little extra money for my spending and YWAM fund, so i'm stoked.. and they seem like a really great family soooo.. YAY!
and then for dinner i made some yummy chili since its DUMPING snow, and a meal isn't complete without salad.. soo that was my delicious dinner=]

Overall a pretty good day, but i miss my Jason.. my days just aren't the same without seeing him atleast for an hour:( time.. please do hurry!

Happy January 9th:)

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