..i walk with the Lord...
.......he is my love..........
.....my strength.......
......my life.......
....my best friend...


Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 17

Ahh yes, another day on the in the books [actually technically on the blog.. since i'm not writing a book about my days.. heehee]
Anyway.. consisted of relaxing and preparing for a slightly hectic tuesday..
Actually, i don't think it should be too bad, since it is only syllabus day.. i hope
However, it all starts with waking up early, and attempting to find GOOD parking, and then attending an 8AM class. WOOHOO!! gotta love those early classes
after having 8AM class all last year, i promised my self i would never take another one.. well turns out i lied to myself because here i am..taking another 8AM class. but hey.. it is what it is, and i must get the class done. so...
1) Today i did actually run! YAY ME! was tempted not to, but decided better:) only ran 1 3/4 miles.. but after yesterday, i kinda figured i deserved a day of "rest" i also did some yoga and abs.. feels FANTASTIC!!

2) I read my devotion and it talked about....well honestly i can't remember what it talked about now, due to it being 11:30 and way past my bedtime for such an early class. but i remember it being awesome.. just remember to always search for God in everything you do.. always seek his guidance, his love, his strength, his courage, his compassion, his mercy, and his grace no matter where you are or what you are doing.. no task is too big for our God.. remember that:)

3) i took pictures.. YAY!! AND I COOKED A NEW RECIPE!! it was basil-lime mahi mahi steaks.. but i used ono because i don't have mahi mahi:) and it was YUMMY! i had yellow rice with it:)

Then.. to top off my last day of break, Jason and I went bowling with Jenna and Ryan.. and it was SUPER FUN!! great people.. kind of crazy bowling.. and lets just say.. the last pin seemed to get the best of me EVERYTIME!! grr.. but it was a blast:)

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